Dear Friends, December4, 2006
Snow has fallen today, and presently it is 9 degrees. I think winter has finally arrived! Wow, time is flying by. It has been too long since we have written. We wanted to take a few moments and give you some highlights from this fall here at Horn Creek. Many fun things are underway here at camp!
First of all, I took several trips this fall as Horncreek explores the idea of starting some camps that are specifically dedicated to underprivileged youth. We continue to be moved in our hearts to open our camp to those who normally could not afford to come. It has been amazing to see how things are coming together. I went to Philadelphia for an inner city conference, and spent time in Branson, MO visiting Kids Across America. The result of these trips will hopefully two weeks of inner city youth camps next summer. We are praying for the kids and the money to come. It is an exciting step for all of us.
The internship this year has been awesome. We have been teaching our interns about community, accountability, honesty, vulnerability, and service. I have loved teaching these 8 folks and look forward to expanding the program next year. They have breathed new life into camp, and it has been so great to watch.
Bill McCoy and Polly Bennett have been such a blast to work with this year as well. We have worked well together, and have had a lot of fun with our guests. I can’t wait till we start getting our youth groups again after Christmas, because that is where we will thrive as a team. This time of year is pretty slow at camp, so we have been doing a lot of outside projects. Currently we are remodeling an old chapel at our camp. We want to turn it into a sacred place for prayer and worship. In the past it has been a meeting and storage space. “Extreme Home Makeover” on a much smaller scale….
Leslie and the girls are doing well. Emily and I got in a few ski days a few weeks ago. Leslie is involved in many things in town, especially Moms in Touch. The solid friendships for her have been a major answer to prayer! The girls are still enjoying school, and are enjoying life at a camp as well as activities in town. We truly love living in the mountains and in our little town of Westcliffe. (To give you an idea of what we mean by little, the local paper had a big article this week on how exciting it was that the bank was starting “telephone banking”.) This time of year is beautiful as well, and the snow is a delight.
Please stay in touch everyone! Check out the camp websight at
-Jeff, Leslie, Emily, Sydney