Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Hello from Horn Creek. I can't believe fall is almost upon us. Well, up here at 9,000 feet, it definately is! Things here at camp are going very well. We just got back from taking our first intern class to Breckenridge for 3 days for orientation, hiking, and teaching. It was soooo good, and really encouraged me. I got to teach, lead hikes, and love on these young adults. The interns have come from Wisconsin, Kansas, Texas, and Colorado. We will have 9 interns total this year, and it already has been a blessing to Horn Creek.
The girls are now back in school, Emily in second grade and Sydney in pre-school. They seem to love it so far, and it is great for both of them to go back to familiar environments. Leslie and I hope to do some hiking together this fall now that both girls are in school. Camp life has been good to us the past few weeks. Things have finally slowed down a bit. We will primarily have weekend groups through the fall. Polly Bennett and Bill McCoy have been huge additions to my team this fall as well. We finally have a team in place that is ministry focused. We have already had some great laughs as well as some neat interaction with guests. Bill is so good with people, and he has a gift of putting everyone at ease. It has been fun catching up with him. The other day we were stacking wood at our campfire spot near a pond in the woods just laughing at how good it was to be where we were.

This fall I will be looking at some new options for Horn Creek. We are exploring ways to get inner city kids, poor families and anyone else who can't afford to come to camp to actually get to come and experience the Lord in the mountains. I will be going to an inner city conference in Philadelphia, as well as visiting Kanakuk in Branson to brainstorm ideas. One fun idea we are throwing around is having a camp over Christmas for families in Colorado who have been through financial hardship and can't afford presents, or a vacation. We would like to bring them up, give them a fun Christmas in the mountains, and share the gospel with them. I would love your prayers as we seek the Lord's will, and also try and figure out how to pull it off financially.

We miss you all and thank you for your prayers and encouragement. Feel free to write, call or email and let us know how you are doing.

Love, the Foxes

1 comment:

The Dykstra Family said...

yahoo for your blog. love it. love the pictures. look forward to checking it often. love your heart!