Sunday, September 28, 2008


Don't know if it can get anymore Colorado-ish than Aspen in the fall...we just went this past weekend for the Golden Leaf Half Marathon. The scenery was picturesque. The crisp air, blue sky and colors everywhere --- what a treat to live is such a beautiful place.

Jeff figured since he is in the best shape of his life, why not keep entering races? Thus the half marathon, which he once again, did great. It was a trail run from Snowmass to Aspen along the ski mountain. More than the running itself, he just loves the adventure of it all. I have to say I was inspired and just may be joining him next fall... Anyone else want to committ??
Emily joined her daddy on the last 20 yards --- her face says it all!

John Denver's music is a favorite in the Fox house of course we had to visit the JD Memorial Park in Aspen.

A few more shots of our weekend away... hope this finds you well and enjoying your fall.


The Hislops! said...

Beautiful photos! I can't believe you were actually looks like a spread in Sunset Magazine to me. I love to see you all living life to the fullest. I think you should add surfing to your adventure and head on out and stay with us!

faith said...

this looks so fun!

Kimmie said...

I see a Christmas card photo in there!

poshiggity said...

I can't believe how old the girls look, especially Emily. How fun. That last photo I might steal and claim as my own - nice work.

Gretchen said...

Gorgeous pictures!!! WOW! Love your blog. . .