Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March from Little Horn Road

A quick hello from the mountain.  Ready to rock and roll with spring, but I know enough to know that is wishful thinking at 8,500 feet elevation.

Jeff had the opportunity to speak at a reatreat for high school students a few weeks ago.  It was good for him.  He has a way with that age group.  Coming back and doing the sermon at our church of middle-aged folks was a stretch.  I am glad he has these opportunities to study and teach; he's better at it than he thinks.

Saturday, the four of us had a chance to run and bike together down on the dry, paved roads.  A treat to be out in the warm sunshine.  The girls wanted to ride as far as they could into town.  They were proud of their distance - nevermind that it is a slight down hill the whole way.

We have had some great Sunday night meetings with our interns each week - they are just over 1/2 way their year here.  They are a fabulous bunch and are really doing a lot of self-evaluating as they prepare for their next step post Horncreek.  Our time with them is a highlight.

I have been sub-ing quite a bit which has been enjoyable.  Love being at the girls school, in their world.  It is a wonderful community K-12 school, with class sizes no larger than 15.  We still have art, PE, music, a full time nurse --- all the things that so many other districts have had to do away with.  It is a wonderful place.

Some shots from the last few weeks...

Valentine parties at school

Celebrating my best buddies 40th at PF Changs. 
Jeff practically kicked me out of bed the next night
due to the apparantly large amounts of garlic
ooozing from my pores.


Taking my good friend and long time Mennonite to my hair cut guy.
First time to cut off the locks!
So fun.

That's it from here...until next time....


ojchase said...

So, did you make it all the way to town?

erin said...

Hi Leslie! Thanks for you sweet comment on my blog a while back. You are right, I had no idea you were reading! Shane and I were just browsing through your posts and drooling a little. We have a special place in our hearts for the mountains and camps after working in Lake City. Your girls are just adorable. So glad to see you guys are doing well!