Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Jeff checking in from a Coffee Shop

Tuesday Dec 7, 2010

It’s a Tuesday morning, and I sit here looking out the window at my favorite Golden coffee shop, The Windy Saddle. It’s a mild December morning, and people are out and about. The coffee shop is busy, but I have found a little space to reflect on the last 4 months here in Golden. There are days I still pinch myself, as if I am going to wake up from some dream and find myself waking to the view of Aspens out my bedroom window back in Westcliffe. Yet, I am here, taking things one day at a time. Some good days, some challenging days, and every day is a step of faith as we trust God for our future. As I sit and write, I just had a man put his hand on my shoulder , introduce himself, bless me as he saw me reading my bible from across the coffee shop. These are the moments when I receive just a little Manna from God to keep going, to keep trusting, and to keep knowing that He is in control. Thank you Lord.

Things in real estate are coming along slow, too slow for my liking. Yet, I know as a new realtor, I can expect nothing less as I seek to make contacts, learn, and prepare for the days I will hopefully get busy. It is hard to wait… Panic can set in as the clock ticks and money is not coming in. It is a roller coaster. But I have also gotten to know folks in my office well. I think I am bringing a breath of fresh air to them all, and I have enjoyed building relationships with people that are very different from me, but at the same time have fears, flaws, hopes and dreams just like me. My goal with them is to be a friend, to celebrate their successes, and grieve their losses and just be as authentic as I can. I am teaching ski lessons up at Loveland Ski Area a couple of days a week which has been fun, and a GREAT way to meet people. Of course I love to ski and be in the mountains, so it has been a renewing thing for me. Leslie now has a job with Love and Logic in Golden. It is a parenting organization that provides resources for parents needing help parenting their kids. Don’t we all? It is an awesome organization and their books are great. It is funny because Leslie had started reading one of their books just a few weeks before this job came up, and it was an amazing surprise when we found out the interviewers were Love and Logic. Of course they loved her!

Things in our neighborhood have been amazing. God placed us in a great place, with lots of activity and friendly families. It seems that every day I walk home from work (yes I can walk to work) kids are running all over the house, or out on the trampoline. Moms are gathering in the kitchen or the backyard chasing their kids or talking with Leslie. Last weekend we went and cut down our Christmas tree with our neighbors Greg and Laura and the weekend before I got my first taste of backcountry skiing in this part of the state with Greg as well. We do feel like our home is a lighthouse for our neighborhood and we have been blessed by all the folks we are meeting and getting to know. Because we are not overly busy with church etc, it has given us a lot of time just to hang in our neighborhood, and that has been a huge blessing to us.

Church involvement has been slow. We have been going to a big church, trying to connect with college students there and trying to get plugged in. It has been harder than we thought, and we are not sure yet if it is the best fit for us. We really want to be plugged into our community, and this church is not a community church, but rather draws folks from all over Denver. So, we are continuing to look around to see what develops. I met with the Young Life area director here named Mark the other day and we really hit it off. He has lots of dreams, and really wants to see his leaders discipled, as he personally does not have the time to do it. So, this could be another avenue for us to serve and connect with young adults. We shall see.

The girls are doing well. School is going ok, but new friends there are coming slow. We know over time this will get better, but the wait for good friends has been a challenge for all of us. Golden is a great place for kids, and they have loved their neighborhood too. Well, I will leave you with a verse I just read this morning here at the coffee shop.

“For all the promises of God find their Yes in Him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his Glory. “ 2 Cor 1:20

A great reminder to me that my life is not about my happiness or success, but it is at the core, about us bringing Glory to God. Amen


1 comment:

Lydia Stewart said...

So encouraging to read this Jeff. Figuring out life never gets easier as I'm slowly finding out. Love you and your family and know you're always in my thoughts and prayers.