Friday, August 17, 2007

Chapter One Coming to a Close

Saying good bye to people you care about is hard. We just had to do that with our first ever Horncreek Interns this past week. Ouch. We will be feeling the loss of their daily friendship, endless jokes, fresh perspective on life and just their PRESENCE as we forge ahead with life at camp. They were truly a special bunch and we would not have traded this year with them for anything. We spent the last night with them up at our cabin on Monday and had such a sweet time of fellwoship in the truest sense. We had an extended time of letting each of them verbally encourage one another from things they saw in one another through out this year --- a beautiful example of seeing how words can be used in powerful positve ways. Wow.

One of things we hope they took away from this year - and I think most of them did - is the value of community and how to stick it out and love each other well when it gets hard. They couldn't run from each other so they had to learn to gently speak words of truth when conflict arose and then how to extend grace when it was due time. So cool to see and be a part of. They are all going different directions now --- TX, CO, MT, MA. They are already talking of a "reunion" this December. Their friendships with one another will be those that last for years.

But move on - we must! Our new group of eight arrived a few days later - three of whom were summer staffers, the rest are new to HC. It is wild to think that a year from now, we will be writing similar thoughts about these 8 - yet at this point, they are mere faces to us. We look forward to another year of living life together with these folks and being a part of their journey together.

School will be starting for the girls on Monday, so another chapter of sorts is closing and beginning for them. I always kind of mourn the passing of summer days yet welcome the routine of fall and all that comes with a new school year. It has been a sweet few months with them and I know they have enjoyed the lazy mornings on the deck, countless hours at the pool and of course, time spent with the people here at camp. I think they too are learning the value of people and relationships in their life.

Hope you all are enjoying the season God has you in right now. Appreciate where you are and love those in your life well. I am more and more convinced that Jesus was onto something when he said, Love others. It really is where abundant life is found.
Blessings to you,
Leslie and Family


faith said...

thank you Leslie. you guys have been on my mind so much... I guess the processing of the year has begun!

I love you. hope to see you soon.

poshiggity said...

wow. such simple, such profound words. makes me miss you all and camp. but wait, I'll see you tomorrow - such odd timing. couldn't come sooner.

Lance and Heather said...

Hey guys, we’ve started a new website ( Check it out. If you like it, we would love for you to post it as a permanent link on your blog so that others can view it as well. Thanks so much, Lance and Heather