Friday, May 14, 2010

Climb'n the Peak

Jeff, three interns and myself awoke at 4:30 yesterday morning so that we could hike up Horn Peak, the 13,000 plus peak in our backyard. 
This is a common hike in the summer for our campers. 
But it is not so common when there is still snow covering half of it. 
Jeff sees it as his right of spring, if you will, to ski down it every May.
I am usually snug in my bed eager to hear about it when he returns.
But this year, I went.
Only, I didn't exactly ski down it.
I slid down on my butt.
Someone had to be willing to be half way down to take a video of the adventure.
I gladly volunteered. 
Plus, skiing down a steep, icy face of a mountain just isn't my thing.
Horn Peak is the one in the middle.  The tallest one.

So below our the pictures of our morning.

Justin, Kelsey, Jeff and Christian.
Carying packs with boots and skiis is not an easy task.
Now can you see why I volunteered to carry the video camera instead?

The early morning sun coming up over the valley.

Our house and the town of Westcliffe is under there somewhere.

Getting higher....

and higher...

Below is a shot of the top of the peak.
Half way down with two others above him...
Skiing along the creek which you could hear under the snow...
Our walk back down looking at the valley.
Mission accomplished!
Sure love my adventerous hubbie.
And my good friend, the intern Kelsey, who pushes me to do things I wouldn't normally do.
She is the one who also talked my into my half marathon last summer.
Thankful for her.
Here we are at our driveway at the end of our hike.

Below are a few other random pics from the last few weeks...
Crazy hair night for One Year - the weekly kids club that our interns put on for our community.

My new GUMBALL machine for Mother's Day!!!  Love it!!

Finally outside for a campfire with our interns.

Thumb war with James...

5th grade band concert!!

That's about it from here...
Summer staff comes in a few weeks.
Looking forward to a fabulous one.
Blessings from Westcliffe.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Love the pictures - you are so amazing!!!